Friday, July 1, 2022

Kama Kala by Lala Kannoo

Kama Kala by Lala Kannoo

Kama Kala 


Lala Kannoo

Kama-Kala : a comprehensive survey of erotics, rhetorics and science of music with special reference to sex psychology. by Lala Kannoo Mal ; with an introduction. Hindu sculpture. Erotic art. Erotic sculpture..

with THIRTY ILLUSTRATIONS by Lala Kannoo Mal, M.A., 
together with an introduction 
Munshi Narayan Prasad Asthna, M.A, LL.B., VICE-CHANCELLOR, AGRA UNIVERSITY.
Published by 




Archeological excavations, numismatic discoveries, paleographical, epigraphical and philological researches, paleontological and historical Studies, antiquarian explorations, linguistic surveys, Study of ancient Sanskrit manuscripts and many other similar pursuits have borne ample testimony to the past greatness and glory of India and have indisputably shown that her marvellous civilisation extends back into the periods of dim and hoary antiquity. A fresh tangible proof has been added to the existing record by the very recent excavations at Mohenjo-Daro in Sind and Harappa in the Punjab, which according to the eminent archaeologists and orientalists, brings India into the orbit of the widely flung chalcolithic culture. Much has been done towards unravelling the marvels of the India’s glorious past but much more Still remains to be done.

The mistaken theory of the western world that the Hindus’ achievements in the past extended only to the domains of philosophy and religion, has long been exploded and the inevitable consciousness is dawning upon it that there is no field of literature sacred and profane in which Hindus have not achieved their own triumphs. Indian Painting, Indian Music, Indian Dancing and similar arts are rapidly making their way into western civilised countries and extorting tributes of their admiration. Indian erotics and Sex Psychology have, however, yet remained a hidden treasure to them. The author of the Kama-Kala has endeavoured to attraft the pointed attention of the western world to these subjefts. “ The erotic sentiment ” in the eloquent words of the author “ has, in India, formed the back-ground of illumination to all its poetic, dramatic and rhetorical literature ; and it is under its mild, soft and inspiring light that the most exquisite produ&ions of Hindu literature have bloomed into their splendour.
All the beauties of the fine arts of India are so many variegated and myriad-tinted prisms to refleft the soft, subtle and gentle rays of Love’s far off radiance behind them.” The ancient Hindu writers have exhaustively dealt with both the science of Love and the art of Love, and Kama- Kala is a comprehensive survey of both, written in a language which cannot but arrest the interest of even the moSt indifferent reader. The importance of the subjeft is now more than ever realised in the western countries. Social workers, clergymen and other thinkers in England and America are insisting upon imparting knowledge of sex psychology to young Students. 

Of all the ancient Hindu writers on Sex Psychology mentioned at page 7 of the book, Vatsyayana occupies the highest place and his name as an unimpeachable authority on the subject has travelled far into the western countries. Captain Havelock Ellis has made a pointed reference to Vatsyayana in his world-famous work on Sex Psychology, but as Vatsyayana’s work and commentaries thereon are entirely in Sanskrit, its beauties have not yet been laid open before the western world and English educated public. A brief survey of the leading and salient features of Vatsyayana’s work on Sex Psychology given n this book is therefore most welcome. It presents an interesting view-point of the ancient Hindus on the subject which should never be negle&ed by the readers of the modern books on Sex Psychology.

It may be observed that the special merit of ancient Hindu writers lies in that they are thorough-going and outspoken in the treatment of the subject, but in all the exuberance of their frankness and outspokenness which may appear a little offensive to the touchy sentiments of the modern world, they never say a word that would violate the sanctity of the canons of Ethics. It is clearly laid down that the sexual science was never elaborated to Stimulate indulgence in illicit love by young men nor to place a premium upon their l ibidinou s propensities. 

Among the many topics with which the book deals. Four great ideals. Sixty-four Kalas, Vasgraha, Daily life of a man of fashion and tastes, Gassification of men and women with special reference to love affairs. Duties of a wife, and the various classifications of heroes and heroines with their different moods, conditions and relations, are well worth perusal. To foreign writers, poets, novelists and dramatists this would be a revelation which would throw new light on their productions, if they are tinftured with the essence of Hindu Erotics. 

The portion of the book on Music is replete with new features. The ancient texts on Hindu Music no doubt give the personified portraitures of Ragas and Ragims but it is the creditable work
of the author to subjeCt these personifications to the crucial teSt of rhetorical interpretations and then to educe from them the sentiments which pervade them and thus make them legible for particular songs. In other words, the question what ought to be the content of the songs with reference to Ragas and Raginis has been solved for the first time. Thus you cannot sing a song full of martial spirit in Bhairavi which is meant only for the expression of the sen timents of peace, harmony and devotion. 

The illustrations of the book-half-tone and tri-colour are very interesting and the bonafide work of the recognised schools of painting in mediaeval India, when this art was liberally re- cognised by the then rulers and potentates. They bear ample testimony to the artistic abilities of the painters of the time. The value of the book has greatly been enhanced by the inclusion of these illustrations. 

The author Lala Kannoo Mal, M.A., is a sound scholar of both Eastern and Western literature and has written a number of books to place Eastern Ideals — more especially — the Indian Ideals before the Western world. He enjoys a wide reputation as a writer of both Hindi and English articles on philosophy and religion but this book would show that he is not lacking in the mastery of other branches of Hindu literature. I congratulate the author upon the new line he has Struck and am hopeful that his efforts to popularise the ancient literature of India and its implications will be crowned with success.


Vice-Chancellor, Agra University, and

Advocate, High Court, Allahabad.

The 7th, October 1931. 

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